I have often said that we as Christians do not understand that we are unplugged from a world system and are plugged into an unseen world that cannot be perceived by the mind of this world. This is what makes Christianity different from other religions, because most religions are built on principles and religious acts. The foundations of Christianity is built on rebirth that brings us into a relationship which repositions us with God the Father. In this relationship, life principles are restored because of the configuration of a man's heart. God builds His Kingdom on the condition of the human heart. For that to happen, spiritual interaction is imperative.
I listen to fellow Christians and realize that a lack of intimacy between God and man eventuates in a belief to please God. Our lives then become entrapped in guilt that ends in self-condemnation.
I listen to fellow Christians and realize that a lack of intimacy between God and man eventuates in a belief to please God. Our lives then become entrapped in guilt that ends in self-condemnation.
However, spiritual inheritance is that which is received for free, at the cost of the price paid by another. As Christians we received a life that is connected to an unseen world. Jesus in His model prayer prayed "your Kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven". If we as Christians are rightly positioned, then that which is in the unseen world must manifest in the world that we are living in. The reality of heaven must invade this earth through the sons of God! That reality, flowing from a renewed mind will change the world.