Thursday, April 19, 2012

Leadership is a Calling.

The topics of “leadership” and “how to be successful” are surely the subjects that are the best-selling topics on the market at the moment. I therefore thought that we could talk and meditate on these subjects so as to encourage one another.

We must remember that the difference between management and leadership is that management is a carrier and leadership is a calling. For managers, it is all about my job and how high I can get on the ladder of success. A leader, on the other hand, is driven because of a vision and the sense that there is a calling upon his/her life that he/she need to respond to.

President Nelson Mandela was, and still is, such a leader. In the years of liberation he was prepared to give his life for the cause. He could not ignore his calling because his calling took possession of him and he would have failed himself if the price to live out what he believed in became too big. Today, regardless of what the color of your skin is, you will agree that President Mandela was faithful to his calling. Managers put the success-ladder against the wall but leaders make sure that it is the right wall.

To be proactive in life is a leadership trait, if leaders don’t discover their own qualities and don’t have the courage to stand up to lead, we will be forced to be reactive one of these days. We cannot allow our own personal world to take us in captivity!

There is much more to all of us than our current reality.  It is true that we need to discover our hidden selves. It is also true that not all of us are leaders but that there are many undiscovered leaders amongst us. The majority of our true identity cannot be seen with human eyes. It is when we start to experience that irritation towards our environment, and we start to sense that we can make a difference, that self-belief and the discovering of hidden potential becomes important.  Our growth stalls when our invisible potential is not fed with positive attention and expectation.  There are some areas in our lives that, at times, get too much of our attention and, as a result, start to overshadow the leadership-potential in us.

One of the most important traits of leadership is relational capacity. Once again I want to use Mister Mandela as an example. It is known that, when he meets somebody, he will remember that person’s name even if it was only a once-off meeting. Relational capacity is an art that we need to develop however it is also important to know that it comes with the realisation that another person’s success becomes more important than your own. This is when we become fathers, when we are not afraid to give everything for the calling.

Leaders dream dreams. They refuse to let anyone or anything get in the way of achieving those dreams. They are realistic, but unrelenting. They are polite, but insistent. They constantly and consistently drive forward toward their goals.

You can be a leader. You will be – when it matters enough to you. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

LOVE; The Key to Kingdom Provision

I wonder if you lately thought about love and the power that love has to change. It is the one thing you cannot buy with money or even try to act out. I listened the other day to the testimony of Heidi Baker, she works with the orphans in Mozambique, it touched me when she said that you need to “Stop at the One” because love do have a face. Love looks like something!

Love is actions coming from the spirit man that is in connection with the One whom saved us when we were caught up in our own lust. Jesus Christ stopped at you and me and He called us by name. He reached out to us and pulled us out of the pit of decay so that we could become according to His image.

Love is something you need to discover, it is like a key that unlock the powerhouse of the Kingdom. Love is a Person, Jesus Christ, manifesting himself through those that discovered Him unto the world that we moving in.
When Love is in operation then heaven is unlocked to support the actions of
Love and nothing is impossible! Love does have a Face!

As the Church we need to understand that the Holy Spirit wants to lead us to discover Love. Our praise and worship, our preaching will draw people but we will only remain a church with numbers that needs continuous motivation.  If we allow the Holly Spirit to help us to discover Love then Love become our motivation and the Power of Heaven will flow through us. Love unlocks and opens the provisional rooms of heaven. What ever we ask in the name of Jesus Christ according to John 15 will be given to us. What God can do for us will not be our song but rather what the Holy Spirit and us does together will be our desire.

Let March 2012 be the month that we together put the focus on love and let us change the confession of our mouths so that our ears will get used to the things that are beautiful and lovely.