Friday, November 26, 2010

Sonship is a Position.

After a lot of encouragement from colleagues and friends I have decided to start this blog. I do not have anything to share with you except my personal walk as a husband, father, friend and most of all a son to my Heavenly Father and a brother to Jesus Christ.
Twenty-five years ago God the Father invited me to become a son.  The promise was: "You become a son and I will be a Father to you, walk with Me and I will teach you as a father will teach his son." That day God gave birth to a revelation inside of me and it was the beginning of a journey that changed the core of my life!  God delivered me from religious ambitions and the bondage of fear of rejection. The revelation, the birth of life that took place that day in my core "was the intimacy of relationship!"
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 God asked  me to enter into a process of love: "Are you Daniel prepared to enter into a process with me so that I can configure your heart towards My Heart? Will you allow me to change your inner man so that you will think the way that I am thinking?" Then He continued and said: "All of this can only happen if you, through sonship, will enter into the process of life, taking up the full responsibility for your actions, understanding self-leadership!"
Through experience, I discovered that revelation is no revelation if one cannot practice it in real life. It will only be useless information that will puff us up, which we will then use to impress others with. Life is always a process and there is no short circuit through it. It is the disciplines of revelation that we need to embrace that will create the tomorrows for us and bring our future into our presence!
Right from the beginning, I realized that my Heavenly Father wanted me to think with Him! As a Man thinks so he is!
You see my dear friend, sonship is a position; the Father cannot be a father if I don't position myself as a son.

1 comment:

  1. This what needs to happen in the organised church as we know it. Come into relationship with the Father so that we can rid ourselves of the traditions and prescription of the church developed by man for his own purposes. This is what Christ had in mind for the world when He walked the earth. It is time for us to come into the flow of the Holy Spirit so that we can break free from the bondage of tradition of the past.
